
Blackthorne Partners will continue to build its portfolio of small private companies. Prospects typically have a minimum of $1 million in EBITDA and $5 million to $20 million in revenues.

We are currently invested in the following businesses.

Schaefer Brush Manufacturing
Schaefer Brush Manufacturing, LLC of Waukesha, WI is one of the most diverse brush manufacturers in the world. We have over 100 years of experience in developing, engineering and manufacturing products to serve a wide range of industries. Blackthorne Partners purchased the assets of Schaefer Brush in June 2015.
Visit the Schaefer Brush website: www.schaeferbrush.com

Berlon Industries
Berlon Industries is a leading manufacturer and supplier of after-market buckets, parts and accessories for skid loaders, telehandlers and compact utility tractors. Blackthorne Partners purchased the assets of Berlon in November 2012.
Visit the Berlon Industries website: www.berlon.com

Focused on addressing the equity and liquidity needs of small businesses in the Upper Midwest